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On this page you have the possibility of setting the most used parameters; for instance your input and output level, as well as the wet/dry levels.
The envelope is used to set the amplification curve of the reverb. Since it does not need to be triggered, it allows you to work with audio material of non-percussive character, like vocals.

If we take the Pre Delay parameter for instance, it determines the offsets of the output and the timing of the envelope generator. It is typically used to obtain depth and definition in a mix, or to align the effect with a musical beat. Delays within a 10-40ms range can often be used with great effect on percussive material. Dense vocal slap effects are typically created with a 70-150ms pre delay.

The Attack parameter can be adjusted to set the actual attack time, also called “build up”, of the reverb envelope. With a span of 0-500ms, there's lot's of room for playing around, but the range of the Attack is somewhat dependant on how you set the Hold and the Release parameters.

Tweaking the Hold parameter sets the hold time of the reverb envelope, or said in other words, it determines how long time the reverb envelope should be fully open. What you can do with this is for instance to create a typical eighties style response. This parameter is dependant on how you set the Attack and Release parameter.

Adjusting the Release parameter will effect the hold time or decay of the reverb envelope. If you set the release somewhere in the range 0-100ms you will get a nice eighties style response. If you're more into gated and unnatural effects, go for shorter release settings. This parameter is dependant on the settings of the attack and hold.

Reverb type

Here you can choose between 20 different styles of reverbs - each of them having its own nature.
The basic Reverb Style is subjected to the Envelope and Twist modifications. The style parameter should be seen as an algorithm selection inside the algorithm.

Different styles have different features with regards to density, diffusion type, spectral response, stereo image etc. Choose a style that fits your audio material, but be aware that differences will be more pronounced with low diffuse settings and twist ratios.

Focus fields

The Focus Fields feature let you place any parameter from any parameter page in one of six fields in the bottom of the U/I.

This feature has these main purposes:
  1. Access parameters from any page, no matter which page you're currently at. Let's go for an example: if you are working with the modulation page, you can have access to parameters placed on the main page, for instance decay time or hi cut.
  2. Place the most important parameters in the focus fields and save it with your preset. Whenever you open your preset, you will always have the most important parameters in the focus fields, and any factory preset will also have the most important parameters placed in the focus fields.
  3. You get a better overview of parameters without switching page all the time.
The Focus Field group is stored with the session as well as with presets.

Twist type

There are 20 different twist types to choose from.

The twist type selects which type of funky effect treatment that is to be used on the reverb. A Twist Type should be regarded as a spice capable of sparking imagination in the mix process.

Try the effect on all sorts of different sources to add character or to make them stand out. If spectral shaping using the Twist parameters get out of control, the Lo and Hi cuts can be used to stay within the limits.

System Requirements

PowerCore software 1.9.2 or higher
PowerCore hardware
Windows XP
PIII 1GHz or faster
VST compatible host application
System must meet requirements of the host application

Mac OS X
PowerCore software 1.9.2 or higher
PowerCore hardware
MacOS X (10.2 or higher)
G4/G5 (800MHz or faster)
VST or Audio Units compatible host application
System must meet requirements of the host application

Radar Loudness Meter for Native DAWs
LM6 Radar Loudness Meter gives you direct access to our revolutionary meter whether you are using Media Composer, Final Cut Pro X, Pro Tools, Logic Pro, Nuendo, Wavelab, Sequoia, etc. on a Mac or PC and whether your productions are in mono, stereo or 5.1.

Where to buy

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PowerCore 4.3.3 for PC and 4.3.3 or MAC
TC Electronic has released PowerCore 4.3.3. Version 4.3.3 improves performance and stability

DJ Greg Stainer
Most residents of Dubai know of DJ Greg Stainer from Radio 1 UAE and many more know of him as resident DJ at Zinc, the nightclub at Crowne Plaza Hotel. An important part of his hardware arsenal is the TC Electronic Konnekt 24D, a firewire audio interface with built-in DSP effects.