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The Fabrik of PowerCore

The PowerCore Fabrik R and Fabrik C are the new and innovative plug-ins for the PowerCore platform. They are based on the innovative Meta Intuitive Navigation Technology (MINT™) that redefines the way you use professional audio plug-ins for professional results.

We've integrated a simple yet highly effective and intuitive approach to working with audio, and the result is a UI that you'll be operating in a jiffy. Often people think that if you want to create professional results the process has to be tedious and complex - we don't agree.

The Fabrik plug-ins introduce a new way of working with audio, and they build on proven and award-winning TC technology, ensuring the highest level of audio quality.

MINT™ - the Meta Intuitive Navigation Technology

We've gone to great length to rethink the way people work with audio. Often you spend more time tweaking a bunch a parameters and presets, and less time just listening and responding intuitively to what you hear. We want to change that, and for that reason we've invented MINT™ - Meta Intuitive Navigation Technology.

MINT Technology UI

MINT™ is a design and programming philosophy that transcends traditional “UI thinking”, and it enables you to respond fast, intuitively and with total control.

But that's not all, you get instant gratification when you work with MINT™ based tools. What this means is that whenever you alter a parameter, you will instantly hear the difference. You've probably tried working with a plug-in where you end up spending a lot of time tweaking and adjusting parameters with no noticeable effect? Stop wasting your time and get instant gratification with MINT™.

To make things real easy we've made a UI design that just makes life easier. When you choose an object in the UI, the background will automatically change, bringing all relevant information and possibilities into your immediate reach. Please look at the animated gif which will give you a rough idea about how the MINT™ designed UI will make life a whole lot easier for you.

By now you should have a pretty good understanding about what we're trying to achieve with MINT™. If not, we think you should give it a try and experience MINT™ for yourself. We're sure you'll be quite surprised to learn that it only takes a few simple controls to work intuitively and professionally with audio. And most importantly, we are convinced that you'll start to listen more closely to your audio. Don't forget that what really matters is what you hear - let your ears back into your audio!

Algorithm Page

Algorithm Page

If you go to the Algorithm page you can choose between four different algorithms, which are tantamount to the four different reverbs in the Fabrik R plug-in. In other words, here you can choose which reverb you want to use.

Live AlgorithmLive
You know how live recorded audio sources sometimes have a lot of background noise? Well, quite often what you need is a brighter grainier reverb for that type of audio material, and the Live reverb is perfect for that job. For excellence try adjusting it to medium to long decay times and listen to the result. But the Live reverb will also work splendidly with vocals or instruments that need a clear and to the point reverb. Try it on different material and you'll be surprised about the results.

Hall AlgorithmHall
Often you're conscious about preserving the natural characteristics of your source material, and reluctant to apply to “large” reverbs. Don't worry, the Hall reverb will preserve your audio and add a large hall effect giving you lots of natural sounding “space”. For most vocal material this reverb is superior to many other reverbs and you can benefit greatly by using it for various studio applications.

Plate AlgorithmPlate
Welcome back in time! In the old days reverberating springs or large metallic plates was used to create a reverb effect. The Plate reverb emulates the era before digital processing was invented and has the sound of “springs and plates”. If you're working with a recording of percussive instruments, it will often call for a diffuse, bright and light reverb, and the Plate is just perfect for the job.

Club AlgorithmClub
This reverb is exactly what the doctor ordered if you want to put extra focus on the guitar or the vocals. It emulates a medium sized club, giving a broad yet intimate feel to your audio material. If you've got a recorded guitar that cries out for reverb, but you don't want the “stadium rock” sound, the Club reverb will do the trick, well, that goes for vocals and horns too.

Tweak Page

When you go to the tweak page you have direct access to important and easily adjustable tweaking possibilities.

Algorithm Page

Here you can control the amount of delay and predelay you want to apply to your reverb. If you're in favor of a tasty delay slightly spiced up with just an ounce of predelay, navigate the XY grid accordingly.
Tip: sometimes it helps closing your eyes and just listening as you “feel” your way through your adjustments.

Algorithm Page

When going into the Modulation area, you are about to alter the depth and the rate of the modulation. For some tasks it might be appropriate to apply quite a bit of depth and at other times less, deepening the rate of the modulation instead.
Tip: experiment, listen and learn. You'll be surprised about the results you can achieve if you just have “fun”.

Algorithm Page

Here we have it, the holy grail of reverb…well maybe not quite, but knowing how to control the relationship between LoColor, HiFactor and HiColor is by some coined as “mastering the sound of the reverb”. Through the XYZ triangle you have all the possibilities to create the “sound” you want.
Tip: to really get superior results, we sometimes have to “forget” what we know, and just listen. If you're in a creative standstill, try a new approach that you might “think” won't work - it will open your ears to new ways of working with audio.

Algorithm Page

Dry source material, early reflections, reverb. Here you have the choice to blend the three as you want, setting their relationship through the XYZ grid. For that somewhat neutral sound set the dry parameter higher, if your source calls upon a lusher ambience, tweak up the reverb. You can define the location of the source by adjusting the early reflections. Basically speaking, a source reverb is capable of generating multiple, complex early reflection patterns, and what this does, is that it kind of let's you mold a 3D space onto your source material.
Tip: every now and again we mix something to absolute perfection. It happens when you use your intuition and you actually listen to what you're doing. Try it, it works.

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Free Fabrik R and Fabrik C
PowerCore owners have two more reasons to celebrate as TC Electronic is giving away two incredible reverb and compression plug-ins for the award-winning platform!
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Radar Loudness Meter for Native DAWs
LM6 Radar Loudness Meter gives you direct access to our revolutionary meter whether you are using Media Composer, Final Cut Pro X, Pro Tools, Logic Pro, Nuendo, Wavelab, Sequoia, etc. on a Mac or PC and whether your productions are in mono, stereo or 5.1.

Where to buy

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PowerCore 4.3.3 for PC and 4.3.3 or MAC
TC Electronic has released PowerCore 4.3.3. Version 4.3.3 improves performance and stability

DJ Greg Stainer
Most residents of Dubai know of DJ Greg Stainer from Radio 1 UAE and many more know of him as resident DJ at Zinc, the nightclub at Crowne Plaza Hotel. An important part of his hardware arsenal is the TC Electronic Konnekt 24D, a firewire audio interface with built-in DSP effects.