Features • Two independent Chorus/Flanger Effects • Mono Compatible Chorus and Flanger • Powerful stereo enhancement, utilizing the Hass Effect (The Principle of First Arrival) • Syncable sweeps of the LFO clocks enhances the Chorus and Flanger programs • Analog vintage sound with superb quality: 20-20,000Hz • Adjustable Delay Time of 0.66 to 22 mSec. • Phone (-10dB) and XLR (+4dB) Ins and Outs • Additional set of phase inverted outputs available on Phone jacks • Very low noise, Dynamic Range > 100dB<
The Haas Effect The HAAS Effect or the ‘Principle of First arrival’ is a dominating cue by which the brain can pinpoint the origin of a sound within the boundaries that surround the listener.
Sound travels through air at approximately 1080 ft./sec. (340m/sec.) and arrives at each ear at slightly different times. This difference and the successive reflections assist the brain in determining the originating location of the sound.
By manipulating these arrival times the TC 1210 widens and adds "Space" to the stereo image. It is possible to give the impression that a sound comes from the right channel even if the volume of the left channel is higher, providing that the left channel signal arrives a little later.
The delay times needed to alter our perception of the position of the sound sources are so short that they are percieved more like filters than delays. The TC 1210’s individually adjustable L& R delay times and cross-coupled audio path combine delay and phase shift to play with the human ear’s ability to distinguish the origination of sound.
The images created are unique and effective without being blatantly obvious or offensive. Chorusing and Flanging utilize bucket brigade technology meaning the TC 1210 produces the Classic sound of ‘vintage’ units.
Check how high the bar is set in loudness metering and processing. Visit us at this year's IBC. We are proud to display a wide range of loudness meters that are fully compliant with all of the major international broadcast standards such as EBU R128, ATSC A/85 and ITU-R BS.1770-2.
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Radar Meter Bundle for Pro Tools | HD
Radar Meter Bundle for Pro Tools HD is a complete loudness meter package that is perfect for all post and production studios whether they deliver for broadcast or cinema.
Radar Meter Bundle is a free upgrade for existing LM5D users.
Please note that the iLok license is named "LM5D".