TC1280/1380 delays have a unique non-digital sound because the A/D converters found in the TC 1280 and TC 1380 were designed without the usual "brick wall" filters found in other digital delays. Careful component selection and exact alignment standards further ensure long-term performance and reliability.
Once the delay settings for the units have been chosen, the unit’s delay controls may be locked out to avoid unauthorized tampering. Delay times may still be accessed via the rear panel MIDI input.
Full MIDI system exclusive data implementation is available upon request. Both units will allow for an increase in the delay of up to 2.5 Sec. in TC 1280 and 5 Sec. in TC 1380 - directly on the motherboard.
Highlights from the feature list:
Delay times may be entered in feet, meters, frames or half-frames
4 preset memory bank for easy switch between installation setups
Non-Volatile memory including security lock of preset delay times
Total relay bypass in the event of power loss
Standard memory for TC 1280 is 625 ms expandable to 10 seconds stereo in 625 ms increments and for TC 1380 1250 ms expandable to 20 seconds in 1250 ms increments
Dynamic differential 18 bit resolution AD/DA conversion at 1 MHz sample rate provides greater than 100 dB dynamic range THD: < 0.05% 1 KHz, 0 dBu
Total in/out delay down to 30 µSec possible with resulting phase linearity less than 2 µSec
TC Electronic’s position at the forefront of the industry for more than three decades is a result of our genuine passion for making the best audio products possible combined with a constant quest for going new ways.