TC Electronic
| Reverb | Delay & Effects | Dynamics & EQ | Loudness & Monitoring
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Main Features

P2 - The Concept
The P2 is a "set and forget" Loudness pilot and Limiter for Post production and Broadcast. It is designed especially for fixed installations where a consistent Loudness and spectral balance is required but excels also in peak limiting functions.

Daily User & Administrator
We distinguish between two types of P2 users. The Daily User may be the "non-technical" person working with video editing, audio production, audio mixing or tape-copying that needs to Level optimize the program material to various destinations with specific level demands. The Daily User only needs to pick a dedicated preset for the specified destination via the P2 front panel. One key pressed and that's it.


The Daily User

The Daily User has no direct parameter access from the front panel. However, a Wizard function is available which can be used if allowed by the Administrator. The Wizard functions allows the P2 to examine a section e.g. 10 seconds of the program material and sets compression parameters according to that brief analysis The Administrator is responsible for setting up all P2's at the facility. Factory loaded with a broad selection of World Standard Presets the P2 can be used right out of the box. The Administrator can also create suitable presets via the TC Icon PC Editor if it should be required.

Presets are total recall type and hold I/O, Clock and all Algorithm parameters settings. Furthermore the Administrator can also setup various lock functions of the Front panel keys to ensure no unintended change of settings by the everyday user. In the administrators setup the P2 connects to a PC via a standard RS 232 COM port and is controlled via the TC ICON PC Editor known from System 6000 and DB-8.

The Administrator

The Administrator sets up and creates presets on a single P2 unit to the specifications of the facility. Once the setup is done, other P2's can easily be cloned via a PCMCIA card. The Administrator simply dumps the Front panel bank presets to the PCMCIA card, and distributes this bank via the PCMCIA card to all P2's in the house.

Factory loaded with a broad selection of World Standard Presets the P2 can be used right out of the box. However, via the TC ICON PC Editor, the Administrator can build suitable presets in detail plus define various lock functions ensuring no unintended change of settings by the everyday user. Once setup and loaded with presets, any person doing video editing, audio production, audio mixing or tape-copying, simply picks the predefined optimal preset and don’t have to think about audio levels again.


Setups - Administrator

Administrator Setup for Preset programming plus Wizard and Lock definition using the TC ICON PC Editor is intuitive and straightforward. Connect a free RS232 serial COM port on the computer to the RS232 connection on the rear of the P2. Start the TC ICON PC Editor and select the appropriate COM port. (Read the TC ICON installation procedure section) Make audio connections if these are necessary for programming.

Cloning P2's using a standard PCMCIA card
Once the Administrator have designed and setup presets for various applications using the TC ICON PC Editor, other P2's in the house may be easily cloned using a standard PCMCIA card. In other words, it is NOT necessary to hook up every single P2 to a computer to set them up.


Setups - Daily User

In daily use no TC ICON Editor/PC connection is necessary. Just connect your audio source material to P2 Inputs. Options are balanced Analog, digital AES or S/PDIF. Connect Outputs to relevant media. Next you simply select preset via the eight front panel PRESET keys. Note that; Input type, Sync settings, and Sample Rate Conversion settings are set on preset level via the TC ICON PC Editor on the Engine I/O page.


Operation modes

The processor can be operated in three distinctively different modes:
  • Stereo: In this mode the Loudness, EQ and Multiband sections operate in tandem: (Read more about these in the next section). Whatever gain change is applied to one channel is applied to the other. Also, many parameters have mutual left and right controls.
  • Dual Mono: In this mode the Loudness, EQ and Multiband sections treat the two Input signals completely independently.
  • Stereo Wide: In this mode the apparent width and image of stereo signal can be altered simultaneously with controlling loudness and peak level. The left and right signal is internally de-composed into an M(Mono) and S(Stereo) component, and reverted to left and right signals before peak limiting on the Output.

Tech Library
In the Tech Library you will find Papers and Articles about Audio Fidelity and Processing published by TC Developers and other Industry Professionals.
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Meet us at IBC 2012
Check how high the bar is set in loudness metering and processing. Visit us at this year's IBC. We are proud to display a wide range of loudness meters that are fully compliant with all of the major international broadcast standards such as EBU R128, ATSC A/85 and ITU-R BS.1770-2.

Where to buy

Click here to find a TC Electronic dealer near you

More Power to The P2
Acclaimed P2 loudness correction and optimization processor is upgraded to include ITU-R BS.1770-2, EBU R128, ATSC A/85 and TR-B32 based signal handling.

J. Mark King
J. Mark King, broadcast mixer for the recent star-studded Annual Academy of Country Music Awards from the MGM Grand on Sunday May 18, depended upon a TC Electronic DB-8 Television Processor to automatically upmix his two-channel stereo music mixes into full 5.1-channel surround sound.