In production, program duration and sliding window descriptors are indispensable tools for attaining a specific target. When connected to PC or Mac, LM2 further provides access to TC's unique radar display visualizing loudness history and the loudness range to stay within.
Production: Stand-alone meter for "mixing by numbers"
LM2 lets you analyze each of the tracks in your mix to give you a Loudness number that describes how loud the track is. Use the loudness number as a base of your next mix to align levels between mixes.
Production: Stand-alone meter extended with Radar
Using a standard USB cable (included), LM2 can be connected to a PC or Mac for Radar display. This gives you even better overview over time.
Production: Calibrated stereo listening added to metering
LM2 features gain controlled balanced analog outputs for monitoring. Base listening on the Loudness number to make sure that you are always listening at the same perceived level.
Production: Calibrated listening for multiple sets of speakers and headphones added to metering
The primary application for LM2 is as a loudness meter but it does one more thing very well: automatic level offset of programs at a no-compromise resolution (synchronous, 48 bit, fixed point engine). LM2 therefore includes a precision true-peak limiter to avoid output overload when positive gain normalization is required. For fans of speech normalization, allow LM2 to measure some regular dialog and normalize to that. Otherwise, let its relative gate function automatically takes care of all sources.
Meter and gain normalize for broadcast Ingest and Quality Control
On top of the metering capabilities, LM2 features gain normalizing. If your program material turns out to be off target, use the LM2 gain normalize feature to adjust your programs gain. LM2 includes a true-peak limiter and 48 bit internal precision and the Limiter Threshold sets the max true-peak level on LM2's outputs. In case positive normalization is invoked, the limiter comes into action when the peak level could otherwise have created an overload.
Meter, gain normalize and calibrated monitoring for broadcast Ingest and Quality Control
LM2 features analoge balanced outputs for connection to a set of active analog monitor speakers.
Master Control
Broadcast pre transmission: Meter with logging of platform output at Master Control
As a standard feature LM2 comes with hindsight: the radar can show the past 24 hours, but LM2 actually includes so much memory of its own that you can take a detailed look one week back in time, even if it has had no connection to a computer. Simply connect a computer once per week to dump a logging file.
Broadcast pre transmission: Meter, logging and precision limiting for platform output at Master Control
With the built-in true-peak limiter and 48 bit internal resolution, LM2 safely takes care of any limiting needed pre transmission.
Broadcast Post distribution: Consumer QC and 24/7 Logging
| The included Icon software (PC and MAC) is able to monitor and control up to 8 LM2s using standard USB connections and hubs. |
Gather logs from strategical consumer locations post transmission and post distribution.