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LM5D version 2 for Pro Tools | HD

Current version is compatible with Pro Tools 7, 8 and 9.

Version 2 news:

  • LM5D is now compliant with ITU-R BS.1770-2, EBU R128 and ATSC A/85
  • Support for Pro Tools 9 (TDM version)


LM5-LM5D-AM6 Manual TDM


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Meet us at IBC 2012
Check how high the bar is set in loudness metering and processing. Visit us at this year's IBC. We are proud to display a wide range of loudness meters that are fully compliant with all of the major international broadcast standards such as EBU R128, ATSC A/85 and ITU-R BS.1770-2.

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PowerCore 4.3.3 for PC and 4.3.3 or MAC
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DJ Greg Stainer
Most residents of Dubai know of DJ Greg Stainer from Radio 1 UAE and many more know of him as resident DJ at Zinc, the nightclub at Crowne Plaza Hotel. An important part of his hardware arsenal is the TC Electronic Konnekt 24D, a firewire audio interface with built-in DSP effects.