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2000 Editor's Choice
The MIX (UK)

- in the category "Best signal Processor"

What they said

1999-7 The MIX (UK) (Midsummer issue)
4 pages review, page 28
Author: Sean Vincent

The Express will probably find more favour [compared to the Finalizer 96K, ed.] with project studios who are looking to tighten up and Finalize their tracks before committing them to CD-R or DAT. Saying that, the Express would make an excellent addition to any engineer's rack for compressing drums or backing vocals through a group insert. Whatever people end up using them for, you're going to see a lot of these units around.

1999-6 Scena & Studio (POL)
2 pages review, page 52
Author: Piotr Madziar
1999-6 Keyboard (US)
3 pages review, page 100
Author: Rob McGaughey

The Finalizer Express puts mastering at your fingertips ... literally. With no multi-tiered LCD screens to navigate, it's just push, twist, and listen.

1999-1 Studio Sound (UK)
1 page review, page 33

This should be a winner. It gives you the bit that makes the Finalizer special on a plate, with a remarkable combination of control and simplicity that make the word Express seem highly appropriate.

1999 Blue Ribbon Award winner
EQ Magazine (US)

- in the category "Best Outboard Dynamics"

1999 Studio Sound Audio Industry
Recognition Award Winner
Studio Sound (UK)

- in the category "Best Outboard Dynamics"
1999 Reader Award
The MIX (UK)

- in the category "Best Signal Processor"

1999-2 Sound On Sound (UK)
3 pages review, page 94

The Express is a powerful multi-band compressor which is relatively simple to operate ...

1998-12 KEYS (D)
3 pages review, page 78
Author: Mark Ziebarth

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TC Electronic is showcasing several exciting products at Sounds Expo 2007, taking place March 1-3 at Olympia 2 in London, UK.

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Software Version 1.19 for EQ Station is now available.

Phil Hartnoll
Phil Hartnoll from UK’s greatest techno band Orbital instantly became hooked on PowerCore.