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What they said

2004-11 Future Music (UK)
3-page review
Author: Dan Duffell
As far as the PowerCore compact hardware goes, this is a reviewer’s no brainer, it looks great, it is ridiculously easy to use and the PowerCore system is proven to work incredibly well. (...) PowerCore is a great buy and it richly deserves the only Platinum Award we’re dishing out this month.

2004-12 Keyboards (GER)
3-page review
Author: Ralf Kleinermanns
Die PowerCore-Software ist mittlerweile ausgereift, und so lief im Test auch Compact an allen Rechnern (Sony VAIO-Notebook, Apple PowerBook/Dual-G5) erfreulich stabil.

The PowerCore software is meanwhile fully developed, and during the test Compact ran enjoyably stable on all computers (Sony VAIO-Notebook, Apple PowerBook/Dual-G5).

2004-12 Sound on Sound (UK)
3-page review
Author: Paul White
PowerCore Compact is a welcome addition to an already well respected range and should be particularly attractive to the laptop fraternity... (...) How many plug-ins you can run at once depends on which ones you load, but on the whole the capacity of the system is impressive.

2004-12 Remix (US)
3-page review
Author: Robert Hanson
In terms of portability the PowerCore Compact kills. With an optional plug-in such as the Access Virus|PowerCore and an application like Live loaded on a laptop, you have an amazing-sounding and versatile performance tool for thousands of dollars less than the hardware equivalents.

2005-01 Music Tech Magazine (UK)
2-page review
Author: Mike Hillier
The PowerCore platform is excellent and the plug-ins provide the power and quality of several harware effects units in a single enviroment at a fraction of the relative cost.

2005-01 EQ Magazine (US)
4-page review
Author: John Krogh
If you’re hitting the limits of your CPU during mixdown, or you’re looking to beef up the processing power of your portable DAW rig, PowerCore Compact is a compelling option.

2005-01 Resolution Magazine (UK)
1-page review
Author: Rob James
Compact extends the PowerCore range in a useful and sensible way. Not only does it lower the entry price for those with an eye on the future but it also opens up the PowerCore experience to Laptop user on the move.

Future development of PowerCore has been ceased
As part of a larger strategic review, we have decided to cease further development of the PowerCore product range, including hardware units as well as software for the PowerCore platform.
Read more

TC Electronic are happy to lift the veil for several novel and innovative products at the NAMM show 2006.

Where to buy

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Who would have guessed that TC Electronic’s audio interface Konnekt 24D would not only take the music world by storm, but also help people with their music education?