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What they said (DISCONTINUED)

2000-4 Keyboards/Home Studio Recording (FR)
2 pages review, page 104
Author: Patrice Lazareff

...son indéniable efficacité associée à la souplesse des réglages dosant son action font de l'Intonator un compagnon de studio fort appréciable dont il sera certainement difficile de se passer lorsqu'on y aura pris goût. is so efficient and easy to work with that it is going to be difficult not to use the Intonator in the studio, once you start working with it.

2000-2 Audio Technology (Australia)
2 pages review, page 112
Author: Brad Watts

There is little wrong with any of TC Electronic's processors and the Intonator is no different. The build quality is professional and the software does it's job without a hitch. Add TC's tactile and intuitive operating system philosophy and you have a very superior product.

2000-2 Keyboard (US)
3 pages review, page 122
Author: Ernie Rideout

Smooth, transparent effects. Effective pitch processing over a wide range. Manual, automatic and MIDI automatable modes. Easy to operate. Flexible I/O options. […] - whatever the Intonator does, you can control it from the front panel.

2000-2 Audio Media (UK & US)
2 pages review/user perspective article, page 128
Author: David Boyer

With today's technology, the problem TC is tackling is an extremely difficult, if not impossible one to solve. [...]. I think they've introduced a product that outperforms its rivals on some counts, such as sonic integrity and the wide variety of I/O options, for a reasonable price.

1999-9 Audio Media (UK)
1 page review, page 43
Author: Ken Blair

TC Electronic's Intonator is well designed, easy to use, and does its job extremely well.

1999-9 EQ (US)
3 pages review, page 82
Author: Mike Sokol

One more barrier has been hurled: you can fix someone's pitch, and you can even do it live if you want to by simply turning a knob.

1999-9 KEYS (D)
4 pages review, page 62
Author: Thomas Sandmann

Der Intonato ist […] die Wahl für das Studio, von der direkten Aufnahme der Reglerbewegungen zur Automation über die Editierung seiner Korrekturvorschläge bis hin zum direkten, selektiven Eingriff im Manual-Mode ist er das ideale Werkzeug für den Toningenieur.

1999-9 Keyboards (D)
6 pages review, page 144
Author: Johannes Waehneldt

Der Pitch-Correction-Algorithmus arbeitet gut und klingt extrem natürlich [...]. In Sachen Bedienung liegt der Intonator ganz klar vorn, hier hat man sich viel Gedanken gemacht und an nichts gespart. Für den Stand-alone-Betrieb eines derartigen Gerätes ist dies mit der wichtigste Pluspunkt, und in dieser Hinsicht ist es derzeit konkurrenzlos.

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