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Software Downloads

IMPORTANT information before you update
Please be sure to back-up your presets on a Floppy or to a sequencer before loading the new software. To maintain preset compatibility between machines, a new preset structure is now implemented:
3.5 machines will read all presets from 1.15 upwards, but 3.5 presets are not readable on M5000s running software prior to 3.5.
When you power on your M5000 after updating, all the internal presets will automatically be changed to 3.5 format, so you have to save the presets before updating to keep the old format also.

Why two different M5000 software's?
The host processor we were using in the M5000 was becoming unavailable.
The new host requires a different but functionally identical software, hence two different versions.

New functions and bug fixes
(Users updating from version 2.00)

Support of new 24bit/96kHz card.

Multistage Phaser Algorithm
Deep phasing effects have once again become popular, and TC Electronics now respond to several requests of having a monster phaser available on the M5000.
The acclaimed TC XII phaser pedal has been digitized and made stereo, yet maintaining mono compatibility. The swept filter may emulate a structure from 4th to 12th order, and new modulation curves and principles have been added.

Core 2 Reverb Algorithm
When it comes to reverb, it’s an advantage to have many different variations available. Some M5 algorithms are focused on effect, others on the shape and characteristic reflections of a specific room.
The new Core2 algorithm is mainly designed with natural rooms and a unidirectional source in mind. The response is dense and smooth without being chorused.
One of the important features about the M5000 reverbs are their true stereo structure. By using extra processing power, the left and right outputs are uncorrellated thereby ensuring mono compatablity. This crucial feature is of course not sacrificed on the new Core2.

Disk to Wizard: If you’ve also got other TC equipment like M2000, Finalizer, Finalizer Plus, DBMax, Fireworx or G-Force, software may now be transferred to a PCMCIA card from a Floppy disk via your M5000.
The function is found in the Utility menu under File.

Toolbox: The 0.1dB level drop using Toolbox by-pass has been corrected. Please note, that the Toolbox Delay and Lowcut filter are active even when bypassed to avoid glitches. In the Toolbox, turning on and off the Eq bands now no longer produce clicks or pops.

New functions and bug fixes
(Users updating from version 3.51)

Support of new 24bit/96kHz card

Disk to Wizard: If you’ve also got other TC equipment like M2000, Finalizer, Finalizer Plus, DBMax, Fireworx or G-Force, software may now be transferred to a PCMCIA card from a Floppy disk via your M5000.
The function is found in the Utility menu under File.

Toolbox: The 0.1dB level drop using Toolbox by-pass has been corrected. Please note, that the Toolbox Delay and Lowcut filter are active even when bypassed to avoid glitches.
In the Toolbox, turning on and off the Eq bands no longer produces clicks or pops.
When using Toolbox Eq or Parametric Eq, sometimes wrong values were showed on the display.

Core2 Reverb: Improved presets.
Phaser Algorithm: Improved stereo image.
User Interface: Accelerators on paramater dials have been improved.
MD2: A bug in the algorithm caused changes of settings when exiting certain pages.
MIDI: The MIDI map sometimes was not preserved during power down.

How to load your new software
The latest M5000 software is always available on this website. Mac-users, remember to use a PC formatted disk. When formatting a disk, the friendly Mac will let you choose which format to use.
  1. Back-up old presets to a disk by pressing Program. Use the "RAM to File" and "File Save Disk" functions.
  2. Check the serial number on your M5000. The serial number is placed on the back panel.
  3. Select the correct file for your M5000 by use of the tables below.
  4. Download the file. Don’t rename it. The M5000 needs the .M5K or .M50 extension to recognize it.
  5. If you have downloaded the zipped version, un-zip it now.
  6. Copy the file to a PC formatted floppy disk and insert it in the M5000.
  7. Hold the BYPASS button while you power on the M5000. This gives access to the Setup Utility Menu.
  8. Insert the Floppy disk and press DO to load it.
  9. Select the new file and press DO twice.
  10. After a minute or so the display will read "Keep Previous Settings?"
  11. Press UNDO and the new software is ready.

M5000 software for new machines

M5000 software for old machines:

For ATAC remote controls:

Senior engineer Tommy Vicari mixed the orchestra and music stems with a Reverb 6000 as one of the main effects on the Neve VRM console in the Dave Hewitt-designed "Silver Studio".

Where to buy

Click here to find a TC Electronic dealer near you

Phil Hartnoll
Phil Hartnoll from UK’s greatest techno band Orbital instantly became hooked on PowerCore.