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PowerCore Software Version 4.3.3 for Windows and 4.3.3 Mac OSX

PowerCore Software for PowerCore PCI mkII, Express, Unplugged, Compact, FireWire, X8 and 6000.

Release date: December 16th, 2011
We have released PowerCore 4.3.3 for MAC and PC.

Current SW version, Windows (XP 32bit, Vista 32/64bit and 7 32/64bit): 4.3.3
Current SW version, MAC: Leopard, Snow Leopard, 32bit and 64bit kernel mode: 4.3.3

Who should use this Software:
All users should upgrade to this version at the earliest opportunity.

Operating system support:
Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) with 32bit PPC or Intel kernel
Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) with 32bit or 64bit Intel kernel
Windows XP 32bit, Vista 32/64bit and 7 32/64bit

Version history

Mac OS X (32/64bit Leopard & Snow Leopard)

32 bit version for Windows XP, Vista and 7

64 bit version for Windows Vista and 7

Mac OS X un-installer
Download the PowerCore un-installer for Mac OS X (48 KB)

Further support
Support FAQs on the PowerCore platform.

Older software
Older PowerCore software versions

Future development of PowerCore has been ceased
As part of a larger strategic review, we have decided to cease further development of the PowerCore product range, including hardware units as well as software for the PowerCore platform.
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