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Vintage Amp Room Audio Examples

Vintage Amp Room is based on three carefully selected amps, classics that have gone down in music history.

The sound you will get from these amps is raw an unaffected by effects and presets that date it - so you can achieve results that work in the present, and far into the future.

The sound examples have been recorded using three different guitars, a '62 strat, a Peavey EVH Wolfgang and a Godin Solidac. No other effects were used except a single instance of Vintage Amp Room running at 96 kHz in Pro Tools HD 7.3.

White Amp

White is based on an all-round great amp that set the industry standard for classic, distorted rock n'roll sounds. The genius is its simplicity. It's stripped down to the bare essentials - all tubes, only one channel, and no reverb or any other built-in effects.

Sound-wise, it goes from mad screaming preamp shred, to warm, speakers-about-to-break power amp distortion. Perfect when you need a characteristically distorted edge and a powerful roar.
Jimi wav

Brown amp

Amp Room Brown is based on one of the most versatile amplifiers in music history. It’s been used in all kinds of genres, and for all kinds of instruments, thanks to a sound that is clean, crisp and clear, but also warm, thick and punchy.

Brown can produce anything from the clearest country-style sound for steel guitars to a dirty, bluesy guitar noise. It works for both funky rhythms and bassy, mellow chords. It's got a notoriously warm sound with a massive bass and a shimmering treble. Versatility embodied, it can do more or less whatever you want it to.
Blues wav
Overdrive wav
Country wav
Clean wav

Green Amp

Green is packed with character and produces a pleasant guitar sound with warm yet intense power amp distortion. Its edginess makes it shine through in mixes, without drowning out other instruments.

Green is based on a very adaptable three-channel amp model. All three channels sound fantastic, but if you want to add a little quirkiness, we especially recommend the vibrato/tremolo one. The original amp has been widely used during the last forty years, from classic pop recordings in the 60’s, through to today’s users, playing mostly independent and alternative rock.
Rock 1 wav
Rock 2 wav
Overdrive wav
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