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User quotes

PAUL WHITE, Editor SoundOnSound, UK:
"With Vocal Enhancer in your corner, you should be able to get a great sound from just about any decent singer regardless of the microphone type. Alternatively, Vocal Enhancer and one good vocal microphone provides a viable alternative to a cupboard full of different vocal mics. The nearest thing to a 'make it sound better' button I've heard to date."

BOB KATZ, Digital Domain Mastering, USA:
"I think The Vocal enhancer is an entirely new tool, in many cases better than a standard equalizer, to enhance the clarity and presence of vocals and help them in mixing, without making them sound harsh or edgy. Of course you can go too far with this as with any tool, but the palette allows for anything from subtle to aggressive".

DAVE LOCKWOOD, Publisher SoundOnSound, UK:
"What I really love about Vocal Enhancer is the way you can’t quite work out what is being done to the signal. It doesn’t sound obviously compressed or EQed, it just sounds better than it did before. The ability to precisely tailor the processing range makes this a really versatile tool that’s actually good for a whole lot more than just vocals."

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Radar Loudness Meter for Native DAWs
LM6 Radar Loudness Meter gives you direct access to our revolutionary meter whether you are using Media Composer, Final Cut Pro X, Pro Tools, Logic Pro, Nuendo, Wavelab, Sequoia, etc. on a Mac or PC and whether your productions are in mono, stereo or 5.1.

Where to buy

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PowerCore 4.3.3 for PC and 4.3.3 or MAC
TC Electronic has released PowerCore 4.3.3. Version 4.3.3 improves performance and stability

DJ Greg Stainer
Most residents of Dubai know of DJ Greg Stainer from Radio 1 UAE and many more know of him as resident DJ at Zinc, the nightclub at Crowne Plaza Hotel. An important part of his hardware arsenal is the TC Electronic Konnekt 24D, a firewire audio interface with built-in DSP effects.