We have found that the DRAM used in approx. 600 M-OneXLs sold world wide unfortunately doesn’t match the required timing parameters.
Please note that the problem only occurs in some of the units, and might thus only be a problem for a limited amount of customers.
The serial range is within M-OneXLs approx. from 3512160 to 3513360
Distributors and dealers who have received units within the range above will be contacted and asked to either exchange or update the units.
Fortunately, it has been possible to optimize the software in order to fix this problem.
Make a back up of USER PRESETS (if any present) using the BULK DUMP functionality in the MIDI/UTIL menu. Please refer to the Users Manual for more details on how to use the BULK DUMP.
Update the M-OneXL software to version 2.08 (or higher).
Please refer to www.tcelectronic.com and / or click here for update procedure.