How to upload the software to wizards?
Software for "Wizard products" can be copied to PCMCIA card using a M5000 (see note1) or a System6000 only:
Using a M5000: Download the software file. Don't rename it. Unzip the file if it is zipped. Don't rename it after unzipping. Copy the unzipped file to a floppy disk. Don't rename it. Insert the floppy and the PCMCIA card in the M5000 Power the M5000 on, press UTILITY button, select MENU FILE, dial to select DISK TO WIZARD, press DO, select the file to copy, press DO and wait until the copy is complete.
Note-1: The M5000 must run software version 3.52 or higher. M5000X cannot make the copy.
Using a System6000: Download the software file. Unzip the file if it is zipped. Copy the unzipped file to a empty floppy disk (label the disk with the product name and software version). Rename the file to "dumpfile.bin" Please note that Windows Explorer doesn't rename the file extension if you have enabled "hide file extensions for known file types" in the tools, folder options, view menu. Check that your Windows Explorer after renaming shows that the file type is a "BIN File" Insert the floppy and the PCMCIA card in the Mainframe6000 Select: Frame, System, Main, Card menu on the remote. Press "dump binary file to card" and wait until the copy is complete
