TC Electronic

Notes regarding the signal flow:

As shown in the block diagram signals are present on all Outputs all the time. You can dither to 22, 20, 18, 16,or 8 bit. (See the I/O section on page 15).

The Digital Input gain circuit is capable of »lifting« the signal level. This is a very useful feature if you e.g. are feeding the M2000 with a DAT recording that is not fully leveled to 0dB.

Self test menu

  1. To enter the Selftest menu press and hold "BYPASS" button.
  2. Power on the unit and scroll to "RUN TEST PROGRAM".
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen confirm your choice by pressing "OK".
  4. For more self test info click here.

Resetting the unit:

  1. Power up the unit while pressing and hold the "TAP" button.
  2. Scroll to "Reset system", please make sure to backup all presets!
  3. Confirm by pressing "OK".

Sound check!


  1. Make sure that all leds can lid up with correct colors and the latest software version is installed.
  2. Connect XLR Analog and SPDIF In/Out.
  3. Connect MIDI OUT to MIDI IN and MIDI THRU to the test panel.
  4. Connect the external switch.
  5. POWER ON.

SPDIF, Sample Rate and Mix:

  1. Press the "I/O" from M2000 front panel.
  2. Set "INPUT" to "S/PDIF", listen for any crackling noise and check if the device is receiving any audio signal.
  3. Set the "INPUT" back to "ANALOG".
  4. Choose to "SAMPLE RATE" and check if the unit locks to 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz clock.
  5. Choose "MIX" and adjust it to 100%, only reverb should be heard.

Noise check, effect quality:

  1. Choose "LEVELS", pause the CD and set volume to top.
  2. Set the cursor between the L and R in the INPUT frame, set the levels to top and bottom and listen for noise or click sounds.
  3. Set the cursor to the "OUTPUT" and repeat the procedure.
  4. Choose Preset 1 for both engines.
  5. Press the "BYPASS" button on the engine 1, pause the CD, listen to the reverb quality.

Finish up:

  1. Enter the self test menu.
  2. Press all buttons and make sure all are working correctly.
  3. Feed a signal through the unit and knock test it, listen for any sound changes, click or noise sounds.
  4. Power OFF the unit by pressing and holding the "ON/OFF" button(Notice if the POWER LED blinks when in OFF state, its normal)
  5. Power off and on a couple of times to ensure it starts up properly every time and check if the latest software is installed.